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Showing posts from 2010

Heat Stress & OSHA

If your workers work outdoors for long periods and are subjected to high temperatures or are actively involved in physically exhausting work, then they may be susceptible to heat stress. In such circumstances, your employees are required to undergo the OSHA trainings in order to combat heat stress disorders and to prevent any further occurrences. Heat stress and other heat related disorders can result in anything from a moderate headache to tiredness and moderate rashes to severe sunburns, skin cancer and in some cases, a fatal stroke. This is why it is very important to identify and then treat the symptoms as quickly as possible. Heat stress is an issue that should not be taken lightly at all! Most heat stress disorders are caused due to long exposures to the sun and other high temperatures that may cause dehydration. What’s more, sweating is also the body’s way of attempting to cool off but can result in a tremendous loss of vital fluids and salts that the body needs to be hydrated. ...

Fixed Ladder Safety Requirements as per OSHA

The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration was first formed with a view of reducing occupational injuries and deaths. The construction industry involves the use of ladders. Injuries and fatalities occur due to the use of these fixed ladders and thus OSHA has laid down certain requirements to ensure that ladders are safe to use. OSHA 10 hour construction training courses teach all about the ladders and their proper use. Every fixed ladder should have rungs of a certain diameter depending upon its material. For example, in case of wood, the rung should have a diameter 1 1/8th of an inch. This will ensure that the rungs don't get damaged during use. The rungs should also have a uniform distance of no less than twelve inches. Similarly, every point on the ladder should be able to withstand at least a 200 pound load. The maintenance of fixed ladders is a must. To resist rust and corrosion, metal ladders should be painted and treated. Likewise, the wooden ladders should be tr...

Get To Know Your Scaffolding Equipment a Little Better

Scaffoldings provide a great deal of support to workers and employees during any construction process. These are important instruments, for they are used when work needs to be done at a height from the ground level. This scaffolding equipment is available in both, movable and stable structures, with rollers and wheels. However, the movable ones are more popular because of their flexibility. This simply means that there is no extra time and effort wasted, in dismantling the scaffold, when it needs to be shifted from one place to another. These scaffolds simply slide from the front to the rear and they can also be raised or lowered in accordance to the need at hand. There are basically three different types of scaffolding equipment that are easily available in the markets. They are: 1.The H-frame 2.The light and 3.The versatile Workers can easily perform all their tasks with the help of these types of safety equipment. But usually, workers are not aware about such scaffolding equipment a...

What is the OSHA 10 Hour DOL Card

OSHA was first created to ensure that workplaces across the United States were safe and healthy and workers were not vulnerable to accidents. The OSHA 10 hour training courses were then developed to improve the worker’s safety in the general as well as construction industries. You can either take these courses online, or you can attend a live classroom session. Apart from safety purposes, there are many reasons for taking these courses, which include: government requirements, insurance discounts, contractor or employer obligation, and of course, overall workplace safety. The OSHA 10 hour training courses covers a variety of topics that deal with the most hazardous situations for workers. There are many hazards present at any workplace, and it is very important to understand and know what the right way to prevent accidents from happening is. Many a times, you may have heard of workers talking about the OSHA 10 hour card or the OSHA 30 hour card. But what exactly is the OSHA 10 hour card...

The Different Types of Inspections carried out by OSHA

Usually, inspectors are sent out by OSHA to various work sites. There are many different reasons to this. OSHA compliance officers suspect potential danger, and then inspect. Through this inspection, OSHA can respond to the complaints put in by the workers, the accidents and fatal injuries. Regular inspections and visits are programmed by OSHA. This is done to catch hold of violations. Often there are chances of a re-inspection after the first inspection comes up with violations. OSHA 10 hour General Industry courses teach the types of inspections. The various kinds of inspections carried out by the OSHA inspectors are as listed below: Imminent Danger: If an OSHA officer is absolutely certain that there exists a life threatening danger at the work site, they consult the employer and ask him to either eliminate the danger or evacuate all the employees from it. Here, the officer does not even wait for the regular OSHA procedures to be followed. If the employer refuses to comply, OSHA app...

Watch out for Welding Hazards at Work

If you are involved in a lot of welding activities at work, then you should know that it is indeed one of the deadliest work activities you can be involved in. Anything can go wrong at any minute. Welding hazards are perhaps the biggest cause for injuries in the construction industries, and most of the injuries can be prevented with a little bit of precaution and a little safety training. Some of the hazards include: 1.Noise hazards – If workers are constantly exposed to loud noises, it can result in permanent damage and hearing disabilities. All employees must wear OSHA approved ear protection to prevent these hazards. 2.Electrical Hazards – There is always a possibility that you may go through an electric shock while welding. If there is water on the floor, or there is not enough space to move around, it is best to refrain from welding. Always use gloves. 3.Hazardous Fumes – While welding, different gases can be released. Depending on the material that is being welded or painted, har...

Lead Exposure – Preventive Measures

The consequences of occupational lead poisoning can be so lethal that OSHA has put out strict protective measures in the general industry lead standard - 29 CFR 1910.1025. OSHA has set the Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL) for lead currently at 50 micrograms of lead per cubic meter of air for an average of over an 8-hour workday. When employees are exposed to lead while on work, protective measures are required. So what exactly must the employers make sure of? The employees must be trained to recognize hazards and take proper precautions to prevent lead exposures. The OSHA safety training program will train employees about the hazards of lead exposures and the preventive measures on how they can reduce and eliminate the hazards. In the lead work areas, warning signs must be posted. The ventilation installed must be tested every 3 months. Work rotation is implemented. Appropriate PPE or personal protective equipment including respirators must be provided. The contaminated PPE and work cl...

OSHA 10 Hour General Industry Course

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration has regulations for the safety and health of workers in construction, maritime and general industry. Standard 29 Part 1910 has a summary of the OSHA General Industry Standards. Sub part D deals with Walking-Working Surfaces that are a chief cause of injuries and provides regulations regarding the guarding of floor and wall openings, fixed industrial stairs and ladders, portable metal and wood ladders and safety requirements for scaffolding. Specifications regarding the construction requirements and design of exit routes, fire and emergency prevention plans are outlined under Means of Egress. Other standards include those for Man lifts,Powered Platforms and Vehicle-Mounted Work Platforms,Hazardous Materials, Occupational Health and Environment Control, Personal Protective Equipment like face,head, eye and respiratory protection, General Environmental Controls like specifications for sanitation and accident prevention tags and signs,...

OSHA 10 Hour Training Courses

Are you safe at your work place? Only experience can not work effectively all the time as nothing remains static but everything changes as time passes. For the proper safety of workers at work place, proper safety training is necessary. OSHA 10 hour training courses has contributed regarding the safety matter of the workers at working place. This training course is designed for the workers who work at construction and general industries . The course is very essential for them as it suggests the trainees about the basics of occupational safety and health issues. This course is a compulsory training for the workers and it is conducted by the employers of the industries as it is a significant OSHA regulation. This must have to be conducted by the construction and general industries themselves. But, the most notable point is that this course can not cover all the workers and the trainees who need this course. So, many private agency or websites have introduced online OSHA 10 hour traini...